Monday 30 July 2018

Cryptocean - Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange Finance KYC Legal Ecosystem

Cryptocean is a platform that combines financial and technological services for working with crypto-currencies, digital financial assets and traditional fiat money, which operates in strict compliance with the KYC and AML legislation. It includes the processing crypto platform created by the Cryptocean team with integrated own and partners’ services into a single seamless ecosystem.
Cryptocean Mission
The mission of Cryptocean is to develop an ecosystem that combines fintech services on a legal basis to meet the needs of people and business in high-quality financial services, capable of linking the world of cryptocurrency with the world of traditional finances.
Cryptocean processing platform offers the following services:
• Crypto cards (plastic payment cards tied to a crypto-wallet);
• Payments (acceptance and processing of payments with cryptocurrencies for goods and services);
• Transfers (between multicurrency and conventional crypto-wallets);
• Auto payments (in accordance with the specified terms and / or request of the service provider);
• Escrow accounts (accounts with confirmation of transactions by the certified party);
• Conversion (exchange of cryptocurrencies and to fiat money);
• Crypto accounts (a wallet for the majority of cryptocurrencies and fiat);
• P2P transactions (exchange of assets via Escrow accounts and smart contracts).
In addition to these services, the following integration is envisaged: with cryptocurrency exchanges (for ensuring best exchange cryptocurrencies rates and for combining liquidity banks), with banks (for card transactions, acquiring, payments, transfers and Escrow transactions) and with payment systems.
The Interested Parties
• Retailers: Interested in accepting cryptocurrency payments.
• Services: Legal payments with cryptocurrency, transfers and fiat exchange.
• Commission: For card operations, transfers, payments, exchange.
Cryptocean Scope
• Issue of plastic and virtual crypto cards.
• Funds withdrawal from the ecosystem to the bank account/ or by 3rd party plastic cards.
• Legality and compliance of KYC & AML procedures.
• Regular automatic payments according to schedules and invoices.
• Payments and transfers via mobile, desk top and internet Apps.
• Deposit of fiat to the personal account or card of the user.
Cryptocean Token
Company name: Cryptocean
Token: CRON
Light cap: 3,000,000 $
Soft Cap: 5,000,000
EUR: 84.66
Hard cap: 70000000
Price on ICO, usd: 0,01
Max bonus, %: 30%
Price on ICO, eth: 0,000014749262537
Accepted Currencies: ETH, BTC
Whitelisting: May. 1, 2018 — Sep. 30, 2018
KYC: May. 1, 2018 — Sep. 30, 2018
PreICO: May. 15, 2018 — Jun. 15, 2018
ICO: Sep. 1, 2018 — Sep. 25, 2018
The advantages
• Discount up to 90% for the token holders for the payment of commissions Cryptocean
• It's possible to make money selling CRON tokens as the rate increases and Cryptocean expands
• The rate increase is guaranted the model is created in a way that guarantees the increase of the CRON token
• The commission is charged in Cron tokens which will provide a constantly growing tokens demand
• The sales of tokens on crypto Exchanges will start on 10.12.2018 when the ecosystem is fully-functioning which will protect from the rates fluctuations
• 50% of tokens for services arer burned which gurantees of the CRON token rate growth
• 30% of tokens for used for development which ensires the development of new services
• 20% of tokens are used for exchange liquidity which gives the opportinuty to purchase and sell CRON
Cryptocean Partners
• Silicon Valley Russia
• Graphene Lab Russia
• CryptoWorkPlace Japan
• Paymon Worldwide
Yury Myshinsky - Founder & CEO
Alexander Volkorezov - Operations Director (COO)
Andrey Fedotov - Technology Director (CTO)
Ilya Sorokin - Business Partner Relations Director
Elena Mitrofanova - Marketing Director
Natalia Alekseeva - Talent Manager
Vladislav Tarasenkov - Director & Clipmaker
Elina Yaroslavskaya - Digital Strategy Director
Svetlana Popova - 15 Years Of Experience With The Largest Advertisers
For More Information
Authored By: Richard Dra Ayebaesin
Bitcointalk Username: Steavenson19
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1785579

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